Monday, December 31, 2012 5:25:00 AM
Just started two games, on the PC - Metro 2033 and Saints Row the Third.
Purchased these as part of the recent THQ Humble Bundle.
Haven't played Metro 2033 past the first cut scene yet, but the first couple of SR3 missions are a real blast - well recommended!
Friday, July 27, 2012 7:42:00 PM
Playing L.A. Noire at the moment. Only have a few missions to go.
Overall an enjoyable game. It isn't as engrossing as the GTA series, but is fun in its own right.
Monday, November 21, 2011 8:42:00 AM
Only one game at the moment...
Battlefield 3 on Xbox360.
Not much else to say on this one, absolutely loving it.
Friday, October 7, 2011 1:05:00 AM
Minor pause from playing Saints Row 2.
Currently playing the Battlefield 3 beta, on Xbox 360. Thus far I have played about 2 hours on the beta map, Operation Metro.
Thoughts of the game thus far:
Eye candy and attention to detail is excellent. Watching another players red-dot sign wander around the screen is brilliant.
Only four solider classes is OK.
Overall player movement in the game feels less fluid than Battlefield 2.
Prone is excellent, although it allows for copious camping.
Being able to vault over obstacles is handy, but can cause combat issues as the animation sequence takes some time (as it would in real life). I think this detracts a little bit from game play.
I'll give it a few more hours and might also download the PC beta in order to help with a final decision - purchase the game on Xbox 360 or PC...
Thursday, September 1, 2011 11:42:00 PM
Although I have a large backlog of games that I have bought but not yet played, I am currently playing through Saints Row 2.
Decided to play this as I felt like playing a GTA style game, but have already completed GTA IV.
Thus far I am enjoying it, although I am only in the early stages of the game. As many reviews have said, it is similar to the GTA series but has it's own differences, some good and others bad. Numerous places in the game so far have suffered with series FPS issues, with a number of times the frame rate dropping down into very low numbers, which is a bit disappointing considering that the Xbox 360 has been around for quite a while now.