My current station configuration, as at February 2018, is as follows


  • Icom IC-7600
  • Icom IC-7400 (IC-746 PRO)
  • Icom IC-706 MK. 1
  • Icom IC-207H
  • Yaesu FT-8800R
  • Kenwood TM-231A

Transceivers (other):

  • Hatadi Pearce-Simpson Super Cheetah MK. 1 (27MHz SSB cb radio)


  • Linear Amp UK Ranger 811H


  • Optibeam OB9-5 9 element Yagi (20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands)
  • JK Antennas JK65 5 element Yagi (6 meter band)
  • HyGain TH3-JRS 3 element Yagi (20, 15 and 10 meter bands)
  • RippleTech TZ-V-4 trapped vertical (40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands)
  • Diamond X-300 vertical (2m/70cm bands)
  • Cushcraft AR-270 vertical (2m/70cm bands)
  • Diamond W-735 wire trap dipole (40 and 80 meter bands)


  • Nally 13.7 meter, two stage tilt-over, pole mount tower.  Intended to be the main tower at the Upper Beacy QTH.  This tower shall have a large HF yagi and 40 meter rotatable dipole installed.
  • Nally 13.7 meter, two stage tilt-over, pad mount tower.  Intended to be the secondary tower at the Upper Beacy QTH.  This tower shall have an array of VHF / UHF yagi and vertical antennas installed.
  • Bespoke tilt-over tower mounted to the side of the house. Approximately 12 meters (~40 feet) in height when fully extended (excluding stub mast).  Total height is about 14 meters when fully extended.  Currently under the house, not erected since we moved from UK to Australia!


  • Manson SP-8330B, switch-mode power supply
  • Samlex SEC-1223, switch-mode power supply
  • Homebrew 13.8 volt, 25 ampere power supply
  • Yaesu G-1000 DXC antenna rotator
  • Kenpro antenna rotator

Helsby shack, photographed early-mid 2014