My current station configuration, as at February 2018, is as follows
Icom IC-7600
Icom IC-7400 (IC-746 PRO)
Icom IC-706 MK. 1
Icom IC-207H
Yaesu FT-8800R
Kenwood TM-231A
Transceivers (other):
Hatadi Pearce-Simpson Super Cheetah MK. 1 (27MHz SSB cb radio)
Linear Amp UK Ranger 811H
Optibeam OB9-5 9 element Yagi (20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands)
JK Antennas JK65 5 element Yagi (6 meter band)
HyGain TH3-JRS 3 element Yagi (20, 15 and 10 meter bands)
RippleTech TZ-V-4 trapped vertical (40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands)
Diamond X-300 vertical (2m/70cm bands)
Cushcraft AR-270 vertical (2m/70cm bands)
Diamond W-735 wire trap dipole (40 and 80 meter bands)
Nally 13.7 meter, two stage tilt-over, pole mount tower. Intended to be the main tower at the Upper Beacy QTH. This tower shall have a large HF yagi and 40 meter rotatable dipole installed.
Nally 13.7 meter, two stage tilt-over, pad mount tower. Intended to be the secondary tower at the Upper Beacy QTH. This tower shall have an array of VHF / UHF yagi and vertical antennas installed.
Bespoke tilt-over tower mounted to the side of the house. Approximately 12 meters (~40 feet) in height when fully extended (excluding stub mast). Total height is about 14 meters when fully extended. Currently under the house, not erected since we moved from UK to Australia!
Manson SP-8330B, switch-mode power supply
Samlex SEC-1223, switch-mode power supply
Homebrew 13.8 volt, 25 ampere power supply
Yaesu G-1000 DXC antenna rotator
Kenpro antenna rotator
Helsby shack, photographed early-mid 2014